Apt Pupil Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6010

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 84

Theatrical Release Date: 10/23/1998

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Bryan Singer

Actors: Brad Renfro, Ian McKellen, Joshua Jackson, David Schwimmer, Heather McComb, Bruce Davison

Plot: After discovering his neighbor is a Nazi war criminal, bright and promising student Todd Bowden strikes a deal - he will keep silent in exchange for learning first-hand about the WWII concentration camps. Their strange relationship begins and has disturbing consequences. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/01/2023

Knowing who directed this and the suggestive material, makes it even more disturbing. Brad Renfro died way too young. It's painful to think, especially with young and talented performers, where their careers would be now if they were still here. It's sad to think about.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/21/2011

The themes under the surface prove more interesting than the decent plot. An all-around okay effort upheld by Singer's great direction and McKellen's superb talent. The proceedings could've been a bit more disturbing, considering the small changes made from the original text. Still, this is a competent and entertaining watch.

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 09/20/2010

A chilling and effective thriller with some very dark themes. Brad Renfro gives an understated performance here. Sad to have lost him so early.

Full Movie Reviews

Franz Patrick
Franz Patrick
Movie God

Rating of

Loved Brad Renfro

Franz Patrick - wrote on 12/05/2008

It’s a shame that Brad Renfro passed away a week before Heath Ledger’s death because he really was a talented actor that could’ve blossomed as he grew older. Upon watching his other films (”Ghost World,” “The Jacket,” “Bully,” “Sleepers,” “Tom and Huck”), including this one, he does a really great job getting into his character–who usually is psychologically tormented in some way. In this picture, he stars along Ian McKellen, Joshua Jackson, and David Schwimmer. The way this picture unraveled was interesting and some of the scenes were downright terrifying, such as the cat scene and when the old man realizes something in the hospital. You never really know where the story is going to go so I was engaged throughout. Directed by Bryan Singer and based on a story …

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