Elmer Gantry Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2193

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 23

Theatrical Release Date: 07/07/1960

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Richard Brooks

Actors: Burt Lancaster, Jean Simmons, Arthur Kennedy, Dean Jagger, Shirley Jones, Patti Page

Plot: A salesman joins a televangelist on her barnstorming tour in the '20s. Burt Lancaster and Shirley Jones won Oscars. -- MaceeRae

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 05/02/2018

Overly long period drama about a slick talking salesman and an alluring evangelical that team up to launch their own religious movement out in the Midwest. Burt Lancaster and Jean Simmons are good. Can't say that Shirley Jones is all that interesting in her oscar winning supporting role.

Rating of

Ichabod Crane - wrote on 04/03/2009

A film that takes a few viewing of the films to find the rather interesting story of the film. It does indeed have some obvious scenes, but it still is an interesting study of the time and place that the story takes place in. It gets better as it goes on telling a rather interesting character study of Elmer Gantry, well portrayed by Burt Lancaster who treads the line between earnestness and sarcasm quite well.

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