Dracula Untold Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4840

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 52

Theatrical Release Date: 10/10/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 02/03/2015

Language: English

Genre: Action, Fantasy

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Gary Shore

Actors: Luke Evans, Zach McGowan, Dominic Cooper, Samantha Barks, Sarah Gadon, Charlie Cox

Plot: Before there was myth and legend, there was a man - Vlad Tepes, or Vlad "The Impaler" is the true-life ruler that Dracula is based on - and here his bloody history is brought to life. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 04/05/2018

DRACULA UNTOLD has a decidedly insane premise and in some parts of the film, mainly the action, one can see the enjoyment in seeing such a batshit crazy premise (see what I did?) onscreen. It's too bad that the movie is boring whenever the fantasy monster section of the movie is not playing. Luke Evans is good but the rest of the film's cast is decidedly "meh".

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/25/2016

Suffers from being too ambitious yet too bland at the same time. Luke Evans just doesn't have enough presence to portray the titular Dracula while Dominic Cooper and Charles Dance are wasted in too-small parts. If this was supposed to reboot the vampire for a new generation, it wasn't good enough.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

The other side of the story has been uncovered

Daniel - wrote on 01/28/2015

For what it is, a very good and satisfying film. A different view of the legend of Dracula, much like Maleficent, it canonizes the villain rather than condemns. I am surprised at the extreme backlash this film has received. Granted this film is not an Oscar bait, neither does it pretend to be, it provided a refreshing view of swift and deadly revenge on Vlad's enemies. It caters to fantasies of super powers, an unrelenting force that is practically unstoppable. Instead of making us wait and dragging us through the hardships of character development where the hero, after 2 painstaking hours, realizes his/her true strength only to use them in the last 2 minutes of the film, Dracula Untold plunges you into the thick of the action from the first major fight scene. The story is altered from …


Rating of

dracula untold doesn't bite it sucks

smeagol - wrote on 11/09/2014

This is a stupid movie.that reminds me of the poor i frankenstein that came out this year but not as good as that poor movie.. its just silly & boring and empty. The whole story of dracula in the cave was silly and made no sence, he would of chose anyone. the wife who falls hundreds of feet and still manages to speak with not a mark on her. the silly moving like a flock of bats and the poor bat effects was silly. the bad guy enemy just was so shallow, the effect sounds were over the top. a vampire that can kill a thousand men in one go, ridiculous, vampires are stronger and immortal not super heros. it was corny as well and just nothing rang true or connected together well. he becomes a vampire to save his family which in turn releases the cave vampire who does nothing upon release, …

Rating of

A Bit of a Disappointment

Looneymanthegreat - wrote on 10/12/2014

Dracula Untold is not nearly as bad as everyone says it is, but it’s also a lot worse then it should have been. The “untold” potential that this take on Dracula has will probably destroy its chances at long term success, and that’s a real shame. It really isn’t a terrible movie, it’s just not ambitious enough for its own good.

I can’t really blame the critics for getting annoyed. “Untold” begins with an exposition flashback and a series of corny expositional family scenes, none of which work even a little bit. The first few minutes could potentially give the viewer a very bad impression.

The beginning flashback is filled a silly narration and some doofy-stylish action, neither of which add anything to the movie whatsoever. Modern fantasy films often use lame …

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