Personal Shopper Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6153

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 17

Theatrical Release Date: 03/10/2017

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/24/2017

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Olivier Assayas

Actors: Kristen Stewart, Lars Eidinger, Sigrid Bouaziz, Anders Danielsen Lie, Ty Olwin, Benjamin Biolay

Plot: A young woman works as a personal shopper for a celebrity in Paris. At the same time, she is convinced she can communicate with spirits, such as talking to her late twin brother, but things take a dark turn when she begins to receive mysterious messages from an unknown source. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/11/2019

A supernatural mystery I could barely make heads or tails of, but its greatest flaw is that it's just so boring.

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Movie God

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Dullest arthouse movie about fashion and spirits

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 03/25/2018

“For me, Lewis was someone deeply intuitive of others.
He understood things that went unspoken.
Maybe because he knew he was going to die.”

Are you suffering from a sleep disorder lately so you always get up with giant bags under your eyes? Or are you hyperkinetic due to an overdose of cola during a night of “binge watching”? No problem. Simply start the movie “Personal shopper” and these problems have been solved without any doubt. If there would be a Oscar category called “Most boring film of the year“, this film would have won it easily. In short: The whole movie you’ll see Maureen (Kristen Stewart) do some shopping for a high-society model named Kyra (Nora von Waldstätten), driving around in Paris on her moped, meditate while smoking lots of cigarettes and …


Rating of


Pat - wrote on 03/27/2017

Now that I saw the new film Personal Shopper, I feel like I have been waiting for a movie to come around like this my entire life. Not only is the directing stellar, acting phenomenal, pace steady, and emotion perfectly shown, and not at all told. Not only did this movie reach the level of cinematic brilliance that simply reminds me of why I love movies. Personal Shopper did something even more; it completely opened a new hemisphere of my view of film that I never had experienced ever before. This movie is wholly unique, deep, and beautiful. It's about love, loss, grief, human relationships, anxiety, tension, and most importantly, hope. I will forever remember Personal Shopper, and I cannot wait to see it over and over again for years to come. A well-deserved 4 out of 4!

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