Memory Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16450

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 8

Theatrical Release Date: 04/29/2022

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 07/05/2022

Language: English

Genre: Action, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Martin Campbell

Actors: Monica Bellucci, Liam Neeson, Guy Pearce, Ray Stevenson, Taj Atwal, Josh Taylor

Plot: Expert assassin Alex Lewis is as discreet as he is dangerous - but time has a way of catching up with even the best. Now, with a faltering memory, Alex refuses a job that goes against his moral code and must hunt down those who hired him - while also dodging an FBI agent all while trying to keep his memory intact as the lines between right and wrong become ever-more blurred. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 11/06/2022

This is almost a good movie as far as it goes in this weird subgenre where LIam Neeson kills a lot of people. There is an effort at suspense with the Alzheimer's subplot. Guy Pearce is very good in this as the FBI agent crossing paths with Neeson. Monica Bellucci (world's most beautiful woman for a time) is the villain but she's actually given very little to do. Perhaps a quick rewrite could had refined things.

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