House ( Hausu ) Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/01/2024

Don't know what I was expecting, but this wasn't it. Can't figure out a proper rating for this one.

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symp4thedevil - wrote on 09/13/2012

The first time I saw this film was when I was in high school with a few friends at a local art house theater. I talked my friends into seeing this...and we immediately dumped "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and began our obsession with "House." "House" I think can be best described like this: Imagine a giant watermelon. Being sold by an obese man. On the side of the road. In the "Wizard of Oz." A bunch of stereotypical school girls walk by. Nothing happens. Visit a crazy aunt in a haunted house. Get murdered in a musical, fantastically horrific, hallucinogenic atmosphere...that would make Agatha Christie grin. There. That's it. It would best "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in a fight and would join the Mad Hatter for tea.

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Unknown - wrote on 07/23/2012

Usually a movie has to make even a small amount of sense in order to tell a story, but House manages to make absolutely no sense and still be strangely fascinating. The camerawork, effects, editing, vibrant colors, music and random (often comical) bizarre actions are all quite unique. If you don't question every crazy situation, or character reasoning, then you might find this enjoyable on some level.

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 05/13/2012

Imagine if David Lynch had directed an episode of Scooby-Doo while on acid: that is the best way to describe House. An all-female cast (with names like Fantasy, Melody and Kung-Fu) leads this bizarre tale of trip to an aunt's house that leads to decapitations, a hungry piano, attacking futons and a cat that spews a room full of blood. Full of pep, craziness and missing clothes - there is just nothing else out there like it.

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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 08/07/2011

It was like watching a real bad kids show but way worse.Hausu gets my vote for 1 of the worst movies of all time

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Bri - wrote on 12/14/2010

This movie is a hot mess and makes little to maybe NO sense, but it is hilarious and wierd and consistently entertaining. Not to mention the eye candy (the cast is entirely made up of young Japanese girls) and the pretty interesting visual effects that sometimes just go completely off-the-rails. If you're looking for an interesting movie to watch with friends that practically no one will have seen before....this is it.

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