Prophet, A ( prophète, Un ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 711

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 94

Theatrical Release Date: 02/12/2010

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 08/03/2010

Language: French

Genre: Crime, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Jacques Audiard

Actors: Tahar Rahim, Niels Arestrup, Adel Bencherif, Hichem Yacoubi, Reda Kateb, Jean-Philippe Ricci

Plot: A young Muslim man, incarcerated for attacking police officers, unwillingly becomes part of a dangerous game of racial and prison politics. -- JmsWlkns

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

tecnoandre - wrote on 12/16/2011

French prison film directed by Jacques Audiard. Audiard claims that the film aims at "creating icons, images for people who don't have images in movies, like the Arabs in France," though he also had stated that the film "has nothing to do with his vision of society," and is a work of fiction. Malik El Djebena (Tahar Rahim), nineteen years old, French of Algerian descent, is sentenced to six years in prison for attacking police officers. Alone and illiterate upon his arrival, he falls under the sway of Corsican mobsters, led by Cesar Luciani (Niels Arestrup), who enforces a brutal rule.Rough and tense movie with a poetic stream.Good work.

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 08/18/2011

Very good French prison flick about a guy who starts out at the very bottom of a prison gang & works his way to the top.Shows that the person you over look might just be the person you need to watch out for

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/09/2011

An engaging and gritty film that manages to stand out from typical crime or prison films because of its unflinching commitment to its characters and their relationships. The rivalry between the Muslims and the Corsicans is interesting and the various heists and drug rings present in the film are handled with blunt realism, rather than Hollywood flair.

Full Movie Reviews

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Transformation - wrote on 05/11/2016

Das Zentrum von Un Prophete ist ein Mord - ein ungeschickter und unglaublich brutaler Mord. Wir erleben den Killer wie er zittert - ob aus Trauer, Erleichterung oder Wut wissen wir nicht. Genau das ist der Schlüssel zu Jacques Audiards grösstem Film: Wir sehen etwas und können es doch nicht verstehen. Vielleicht liegt das auch daran, dass wir Zeuge von extremer Gewalt werden, die uns fremd ist. Mörder wie der in Un Prophete leben in einer anderen Welt. Der Film funktioniert als Entwicklungsgeschichte von Malik (Tahar Rahim), einem jungen Franzosen mit arabischen Wurzeln. Er kommt ins Gefängnis als Kleinkrimineller und verlässt es als geprüfter Gangster. Geboren wurde er als schüchterner, passiver Verlierer; zunächst ist ihm das wahrhaft Böse noch fremd. Alles, was er wurde, er …

Movie God

Rating of

"A Prophet" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 09/04/2012

A young French-Arab offender rises through the ranks of the prison hierarchy to become a drug runner and enforcer for Corsican mobsters by playing both sides of the racial divide. This highly effective and intelligent prison drama by auteur Jacques Audiard is an extremely gritty examination of a young man who has no control of his own life and haunted by the murder he was forced to commit to prove his loyalty to the criminals he is unwillingly allied to. The performances are all top notch but it is Tahar Rahim's superb central performance that draws you into this grim and seedy world that shows crime as far from a glamorous activity, rather a ruthless dog eat dog crucible of ugly, vicious men perpetrating ugly, vicious acts. The DVD cover is plastered with quotes from lazy reviewers …

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