Brewster's Millions Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 14882

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 59

Theatrical Release Date: 05/22/1985

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Walter Hill

Actors: Richard Pryor, John Candy, Jerry Orbach, Hume Cronyn, Lonette McKee, Stephen Collins

Plot: A minor league baseball player has thirty days to spend $30 million dollars in order to receive an inheritance of $300 million.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 10/28/2012

Typical 80s comedy in that the charisma and chemistry of its stars, Candy and Pryor, shore up a weak script. Likeable because of same, but never exactly hilarious.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 01/21/2012

Forgettable comedy that stars two unforgettable comic actors. Not all that funny.

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 01/01/2012

I like John Candy, I like Richard Pryor so I expected to like this movie but I really didnt find it funny at all.I found most of the movie to be lame & I can't remember a part that I laughed at.As big of a fan as I am of John Candy (I will watch any movie he's in) I found his character Spike Nolan to be EXTREMELY annoying & there were times I just wanted to shut it off.To be honest, I think I had to rewatch it a few times just to finish it all the way

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