Water for Elephants Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3016

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 109

Theatrical Release Date: 04/22/2011

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 11/01/2011

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Francis Lawrence

Actors: Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, Christoph Waltz, James Frain, Hal Holbrook, Paul Schneider

Plot: After the death of his parents a veterinary student gives up on school and joins a traveling circus as their personal vet. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/09/2019

Although the source material is there, it feels vapid and stiff. In other words, the exact opposite of the novel.

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kstallings - wrote on 05/22/2011

Water for Elephants, directed by Francis Lawrence is an exciting story filled with love, deception, and lots of circus animals. The story follws Jacob (Robert Pattinson), a veterinary school student who, in an attempt to escape his past life, discovers circus life. Jacob is introduced to the circus' star act, Marlena (Reese Witherspoon) and they shared a bond over the circus' newest attraction, the elephant. The movie ends in excitement as Marlena's husband and circus owner, August (Christoph Waltz), becomes aware of Jacob and Marlena's relationship and seeks revenge. A "terrible accident" leaves a few dead, and ended the circus forever, but Jacob and Marlena's love prevails.

Rating of

Alex - wrote on 05/01/2011

I was shocked at how good of movie this. I was surprised. Robert Pattinson does a good job of playing his character. He is not a great actor but I thought he was Ok. Witherspoon is great and Chris Waltz does well as usual. I loved the Circus history thrown in. Best movie of 2011 so far.

Full Movie Reviews


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A forbidden love story!

MovieAddict - wrote on 05/09/2012

Jacob, (Twilight hottie Robert Pattinson not Taylor Lautner) a finishing student at Cornell University is studying to become a veterinarian but after learning of his parents’ untimely death in a car accident Jacob finds out they had mortgaged the homestead to pay for his college. In an instant, Jacob has lost everything, his home, his parents, and his career. He jumps a circus freight train as a stowaway but eventually becomes the vet when the ringmaster realizes there is the need.

The star attraction, a big white horse has developed a nasty sore on its hoof. Jacob realizes the horse is in severe pain and must be put down but the tyrannical ring master August (Christophe Waltz who is really getting some meaty “bad-guy” roles and is absolutely brilliant throughout the movie) …


Rating of

A Clean and Pleasant Watch

Rod - wrote on 03/31/2012

After the car accident his parents met just before he finished his Veterinary studies, Jacob finds himself caring and teaching animals for a circus company. And there he finds a woman who brings him both amazement and struggles of the show.


Okay. Before watching, I wasn't expecting that much from this film. But it turned out that it exceeded on my expectation. Clean plot, clean execution, clean acting especially from Witherspoon and Waltz, except the smiles from that vampire turned vet guy. I don't get the point of his smiles, I understand his character but his smiles in particular kept me wondering WHY LIKE THAT? Ooops. Sorry! maybe I just don't appreciate much of the acting of Robert Pattinson. Okay. Going to my real concern, I didn't see the necessity of doing it in a …

Harley Lond
Harley Lond
Rising Star

Rating of

Water for Elephants

Harley Lond - wrote on 02/20/2012

Devastated by the sudden death of his parents at the height of the Great Depression, a young dreamer from the wrong side of the tracks, Jacob Jankowski (Robert Pattinson), abandons his veterinary studies at Cornell University and -- of all things -- joins the circus. Hired as a veterinarian to care for the animals of The Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth, Jacob works his way into the hearts and minds of the troupe. But when he falls in love with the star attraction, Marlena (Reese Witherspoon), who just happens to be the wife of the circus's owner -- the violent and abusive August (Christoph Waltz) -- Jacob makes a fatal decision that changes his life and the lives of everyone around him. Ah, finally, an old-fashioned Hollywood movie for a year that has seen nothing but …

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