The Possession Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9502

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 47

Theatrical Release Date: 08/31/2012

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/15/2013

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Thriller

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Ole Bornedal

Actors: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick, Madison Davenport, Grant Show, Natasha Calis, Rob LaBelle

Plot: A yard sale yields a prize for a young girl in the form on an antique box - but turns out to be more than she bargained for when he also comes with a vengeful spirit. The parents rush to find a way to break the curse before they lose their child. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/14/2014

A movie about exorcist well nothing new here. the possession .okay i was looking forward to this movie just because Sam raimi writing it.the movie it self was a bit of a let down but it was not terrible.

Rating of

Amber - wrote on 01/15/2013

This movie was just okay. Nothing to sing home about, just a typical little kid demonic possession movie that we have all seen a thousand times before. I was really hoping for something new and different but was very disappointed. They left it open for a sequel so maybe it will be better if they do one.

Rating of

travincal - wrote on 09/21/2012

good start, but like many, many movies, ends up with nothing but a common ending. It's a see and forget movie. I am sorry for that little girl, Natasha, for having to bare alone all the 92 minutes to give this movie a spark. I liked the scene where, in the garage, she rolls her eyes, while fallowing her sister leaving. It was unexpected and weird.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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Not creepy or scary,but entertaining ...

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 10/09/2017

"Hey! Stay away from my kids teeth!" In contrast to the promising start of "The Possession", the end of this Jewish variation on the "possession" theme is quite laughable. It wouldn't surprise me if there will be a comic "Scary Movie" version of it in the near future with a dancing rabbi in it. But despite that this is another variation on the famous movie "The Exorcist", I thought it was an enjoyable film that had its good moments.

If only the whole film would be as strong as the opening scene, this would have been undoubtedly a great movie. We see an old woman who owns the cursed wooden box and wants to destroy it, after which she's unmercifully tucked double, spun around and left behind lifeless.The yard sale the descendants of this woman organize is to pay taxes as they say, but …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

What's in the Box?

Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/12/2013

While the term "based on a true story" may have been used in a very loose sense, The Possession manages to put a nice spin on the classic demonic possession story.

The story follows the separated couple of Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Stephanie (Kyra Sedgwick) and their two daughters Em (Natasha Calis) and Hannah (Madison Davenport). The two split custody of the girls - Clyde is also a basketball coach of some renown and it was his scheduling (and lack of family time) that led to the couple separating. On one of their visits, Clyde shows off his new house (in a development that has yet to be too developed) and they stop at an estate sale. Em is drawn to a mysterious box that contains writing, but no apparent means of opening. Earlier in the film we are shown the former owner who …


Rating of

Another case of the trailer being scarier...

Lee - wrote on 01/12/2013

Much like the review i did for yet another would be scare film that also came out this year 'Sinister' I will start this one out by saying thaqt the trailer looked 10 times more freakier than the actual film was. Although a neat story line (That was apparently based on a true life event which if you read into it , as I usually do when seeing this tagline, Apparently had the so-called Dybbuk box, which is by definition in Jewish folklore as a wine cabinet that contains a 'Dybbuk' which is a restless usually malicious spirit that an only supposedly haunt the living it can also possess the current owner of the box as well, this was purchased on Ebay. Read the whole story on Wikipedia for more info)

Two young girls visiting their estranged father on 'his' weekend provoke him to stop at …

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manchesterteddy - wrote on 2012-09-21 03:47

pretty good film really, a few scary moments nothing jumpy but more horrible looking. People should watch it though!!

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