The Watch Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16536

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 59

Theatrical Release Date: 07/27/2012

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 11/13/2012

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Akiva Schaffer

Actors: Ben Stiller, Jonah Hill, Vince Vaughn, Richard Ayoade, Rosemarie DeWitt, Will Forte

Plot: A group of suburban dads decide to form a neighborhood watch group, mainly to get away from their families and hang out, but find themselves unlikely heroes when they uncover an alien plot to destroy the world. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Rod - wrote on 06/22/2014

A cool mix of sci-fi and comedy. Of course, nothing much about the story, I even predicted the twist. But all the cool stuff are fun and entertaining. Stiller-Hill-Vaughn-Ayoade is not bad at all.

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 01/25/2014

The Watch was GARBAGE! The movie trailer looked funny so I think that's what made me want to see it in the 1st place.I guess I should've known it was going to suck when it had 2 of my least favorite actors (Vince Vaughn & Ben Stiller) Jonah Hill was hilarious though & the funniest actor in this piece of crap.There were about 3-4 funny scenes which I can't even remember at all so I guess that tells you how much I think about The Watch.Most of the humor felt forced & I love potty humor & everything but that's all this movie was.I sat through it all just waiting for it to be over & the thing that amazed me most is that I didn't fall asleep 1 time

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/11/2014

Well I just watch the watch. The neighborhood Watch. I remember watching the trailer for this movie and it was funny as hell.they are some funny part's in the movie but the rest of it is a big ball of shit.

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

The Watch review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 08/25/2012

Evan (Stiller), Bob (Vaughn), Franklin (Hill), and Jamarcus (Ayoade) are neighbors who form a neighborhood watch after the death of an employee at Costco. The branding for Tide was overkill, characters too unbelievable (especially the dumb cop trying to revive his dead partner wherein Bob explains the likelihood of survival after his hearts been removed/Franklin swearing at his mom, etc). The movie reminded this critic of a a mixed poor version Ghostbusters, lousy The Burbs and weaker Super 8. Vulgar and amateurish screenplay in which the direction turns to gross out humor and science fiction was just ludicrous. Lacks appropriate character development for the other leads. It's comical moments was bland and situations were just baffling. On the positive side, the special effects and …

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