Black Rock Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 23477

Average Rating: 2/4

# of Ratings: 11

Theatrical Release Date: 01/21/2012

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 07/30/2013

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Katie Aselton

Actors: Katie Aselton, Lake Bell, Kate Bosworth, Will Bouvier, Jay Paulson, Anslem Richardson

Plot: Three friends trying to mend personal issues reunite on a girl's retreat to a remote island. Once there, however, they find they are not alone and a chance meeting turns in to a fight for survival. -- Chris Kavan

Full Movie Reviews

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

Bad Weekend at Black Rock

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/21/2013

While many thrillers and horror movies have plenty of violence, many of them are so stylized or over-the-top that even the most blood-drenched gore-fest seems laughable. What sets Black Rock apart is that the violence here feels much more brutal because it's all up close and personal - no machetes, chainsaws or other crazy weapons - just fists and close melee combat. Yes, there are guns as well (and they play a role) but it's the visceral, hand-to-hand scenes that make you squirm.

What begins as an outing for three girlfriends to help catch up with each other turns into a fight for survival. The three women come across three men - war veterans (dishonorably discharged for being too violent, of course) and, after one of the men attempts to rape one of the girls, she retaliates and …

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