Project Almanac Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 11052

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 27

Theatrical Release Date: 01/30/2015

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/09/2015

Language: English

Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Dean Israelite

Actors: Ginny Gardner, Amy Landecker, Sam Lerner, Michelle DeFraites, Katie Garfield, Patrick Johnson

Plot: After discovering an old tape of a birthday party that seems to confirm time travel, a group of teens actually construct their own machine... but as they change the past for their betterment - it wrecks havoc on the world and the only way to stop it may be to make sure the machine never comes to be - no matter the cost. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/06/2016

I remember this movie was delayed at least once before coming out - not usually a good sign. The found footage aspect was probably the hardest part of the film to swallow - but time travel (even when treated as loosely as it is here) is always a fun genre. The movie references the best - Back to the Future, Bill and Ted, Looper, Timecop (okay, maybe "best" is reaching) - but doesn't bring much new to the table. That being said, it has its moments, the actors are decent and the ending a bit unexpected. Plus, Imagine Dragons - overall, shut down your brain and have a bit of fun with this one.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

A ridiculous movie about timetravelling

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 05/20/2015

"There's a slight chance that oxygen and nitrogen naturally found in the air could catalyze.
What does that mean?
We could explode."

Take "Back to the Future", mix it with "Weird Science" and add the MTV mentality to it and you end up with a pale project as "Project Almanac." A group of nerds who are too stupid to pass a chemistry test, but do have enough brain cells to build a time machine. I've seen a lot of nonsense in my life, but this beats everything. At first sight it was a nice concept, but after watching it you realize you have looked at a Teletubbies version of "Back to the Future". I asked myself at which audience they were aiming. Of course that would be a teen audience, because there is no trace of difficult theories such as the paradoxes of time travel (way better …

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

To my surprise not that bad of a film

Matthew Brady - wrote on 03/18/2015

For once a movie produce by Michael Bay that didn't turn out to by the biggest stink pile of the year to my surprise.

The story is about an old tape of a birthday party that seems to confirm time travel, a group of teens actually construct their own machine... but as they change the past for their betterment - it wrecks havoc on the world and the only way to stop it may be to make sure the machine never comes to be - no matter the cost.

To those people who are sick of found footage movies well your not alone. Year after year you get the same formal of found footage movie genre and that's why I wasn't looking forward to this movie, because Micheal Bay is producing it and the fact that movie didn't really get my interest as I'm into movies that get my interest before seeing it. I was …

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