Pet Sematary Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 15063

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 20

Theatrical Release Date: 04/05/2019

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 07/09/2019

Language: English

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Kevin Kölsch, Dennis Widmyer

Actors: Jason Clarke, John Lithgow, Amy Seimetz, Hugo Lavoie, Jeté Laurence, Obssa Ahmed

Plot: After moving his family to a rural house, Louis Creed learns the eerie history behind the local 'Pet Sematary' located near his home from neighbor Jud Crandall. When their pet cat suffers a tragic fate, he knows it will break the heart of his daughter Ellie and young son Gage, and thus relies on the power to bring the lovable family pet back. But he soon learns the hard lesson that about those who come back - and that sometimes, dead is better. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/15/2020

Considering the original Pet Sematary is one of the better Stephen King adaptations, the prospect of a remake was already shaky. This version has some big shoes to fill and tries its best to shake things up but can never live up to the original film. John Lithgow is a highlight and Jason Clarke likewise is a good fit. There are some good moments (and I did like the dark ending) but overall it feels like a stretch. It's not bad, but feels a bit unnecessary.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/19/2019

A lifeless remake that wastes a terrifying concept. How amazing would it be if Ari Aster was the director, but oh well. John Lithgow was the saving grace while Jason Clarke is trying his absolute best, bless him. The cinematography was bland, the setting felt phoney, the child acting was terrible, and the amount of times the same exact loud truck driving by jump scare happened was ridiculous. Sometimes dead is better.

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 05/28/2019

Although it's better made and acted than the previous version, "Pet Semetary" is still a dead-eyed shell of the original story that's about as creepy as Halloween decorations in February.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Not extreme bad. But was a remake necessary?

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 08/23/2019

A place to bury our pets and remember them.
It might seem scary, but it’s not.
It’s perfectly natural.

In the distant past, I was an avid reader and devoured books constantly. That has been considerably reduced over the years. But, occasionally I grab a reading book. Generally, that only happens during a well-deserved summer vacation on one or another beach. Stephen King‘s oeuvre has always enchanted me. This summer vacation I read his book “Elevation” in one go. Not that it was high-quality literature, but King is such a wonderful storyteller whose stories grab you and don’t let go. That actually applies to most of his books. Of course, there are also film versions of his books that are worth seeing. Personally, “Christine” and “Carrie” are movies …

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