Pieces of a Woman Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4115

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 10

Theatrical Release Date: 01/07/2021

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Kornél Mundruczó

Actors: Vanessa Kirby, Shia LaBeouf, Ellen Burstyn, Iliza Shlesinger, Benny Safdie, Sarah Snook

Plot: Follows the emotional journey of a woman, and those closest to her, after experiencing the loss of a child. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 02/07/2021

Even though the power seeps out of it like the air from that cigarette burned yoga ball in the second half, "Pieces of a Woman" stays elevated by great acting and a real sense of what it's like to live with the dark cloud left by a miscarriage looming overhead.

Full Movie Reviews

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

“She smelt like an apple”.

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/20/2021

Man, what a movie.

Please avoid reading up any synopsis for this movie and instead go in blind if you can. However, I must warn you that this movie is a hard pill to swallow, in terms of its subject matter. Without spoiling anything, the movie is about grief and how that can affect a person and a relationship. It may be distressing for some and may leave you feeling blue, but it’s so powerful you won’t forget it. Worth seeing just for the directing, acting, and story.

I wasn’t prepared for it and I think you shouldn’t be too.

The movie begins with a stressful and devastating 30-minute-long scene that perfectly sets up the tone for the movie. It’s very rare for me to say “oh sh*t!” out load while watching a movie. People have said that the movie quickly deflates …

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