K-PAX Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7872

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 108

Theatrical Release Date: 10/26/2001

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Iain Softley

Actors: Kevin Spacey, Jeff Bridges, Mary McCormack, Alfre Woodard, David Patrick Kelly, Saul Williams

Plot: Kevin Spacey plays a mentally institutionalized patient who believes that he is a "space alien" who is put into a mental institution because no one believes that he is a space alien. Jeff Bridges plays his psychiatrist who starts questioning his own set of beliefs when Kevin Spacey's character gives him a very good argument for his case. Is his character really an alien from outer space or is he mentally ill? -- Mongoose

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

lastonetoleave - wrote on 08/29/2015

K-PAX (2001) Prot (Kevin Spacey) is patient at a mental hospital. Prot claims that he is from a faraway planet called K-PAX. As his psychiatrist (Jeff Bridges) tries to help him, the mystery of Prot grows deeper, and the psychiatrist begins thinking that just maybe his patient might not be crazy. While the cast in this film is excellent, it’s Kevin Spacey who makes this film so gripping to watch. He makes you hope and possibly believe that Prot is from another planet. This is a fascinating film with an ending that will have you thinking about this movie for days. My Rating: Full Price - See more at: http://lastonetoleavethetheatre.blogspot.com/2015/08/no-escape.html#sthash.NCuu2Ydz.dpuf

Rating of

Camper - wrote on 06/30/2013

The writers somehow managed to cram every "alien in human form" cliche' in the book, and I really don't think that there are too many movies on that subject. When Kevin Spacey says "You humans" it's very irritating. However, if I have to say one good thing about this movie, the twist at the end wasn't half bad.

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 01/11/2011

This is a pretty standard doctor-patient story, which has been done much better in other films. However, the strong acting from Spacey and Bridges at least anchors the film and makes it entertaining and, at times, touching.

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