A Scanner Darkly Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3914

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 181

Theatrical Release Date: 07/07/2006

Language: English

Genre: Sci-Fi, Animation

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Richard Linklater

Actors: Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr., Rory Cochrane, Winona Ryder, Woody Harrelson, Mitch Baker

Plot: In the near future, the war on drugs is taking its toll on society. Cops are spying on everyone, including other cops, all to try and clean up drug 'D'. No one is safe from this destructive drug or each other.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 08/06/2023

I sat through "A Scanner Darkly" waiting for it to start making sense. I don't know if reading the novel grants you insight into this otherworldly vision of dystopia, but I felt I was missing vital information to fully put together this movie's plot and message.

Rating of

Vincent_Price - wrote on 01/09/2013

One of the best animated - ish movies i've seen!

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/15/2011

Despite the sci-fi setting, this film is essentially a heartbreaking portrait of the destructive nature of drug addiction. It's sort of a high-tech Requiem for a Dream. The rotoscoping animation style creates an other-worldly effect that makes the film more surreal and thought-provoking. One of Linklater's best films.

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Movie God

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"A Scanner Darkly" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 04/19/2012

Richard Linklater gives Philip K. Dick's anti-drug fable the anime treatment in this tale of an undercover narc, whose identity is kept secret from everyone (including his colleagues) leading to his becoming the subject of his own investigation. Technically, the actors all fulfill their relative niches, from Keanu's self-analysing stoner to Harrelson's wacky attention seeking and the visuals are fine if a little unsophisticated by today's standards. For me though, it was only for the last half hour, when the story FINALLY kicked in that it really grabbed my attention. The first hour of the film is exactly like being in the company of genuine druggies ie listening to a load of self-absorbed pretentious and paranoid bullshit blanketed in a psychaledic haze; it's actually so accurate it's …

Josh C
Josh C

Rating of

Simply amazing to watch, brilliant dialog and plot

Josh C - wrote on 06/18/2007

Wow. This movie is spectacular. As I was watching it I couldn't help but be impressed with the style of animation and how effective it was for this type of film. There were no expressions or emotions lost but instead they were enhanced in the translation from traditional film to this cartoon effect that was put on the movie afterwards.

Asides from the obvious animation, the dialog was very believable. Robert Downey Jr. and Woody Harrelson did a great job portraying paranoid druggies that were always so quick to create conspiracy theories. Kenanu Reeves was so fucked up from drugs that it kept me interested until the very end.

The idea behind this movie is simply great and I haven't seen a movie portray drug addiction like this since Trainspotting. The movie is sad and intriguing …

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