The Sentinel Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 19191

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 48

Theatrical Release Date: 04/21/2006

Language: English

Genre: Action, Crime

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Clark Johnson

Actors: Michael Douglas, Kiefer Sutherland, Eva Longoria, Martin Donovan, Ritchie Coster, Kim Basinger

Plot: A respected senior secret service agent is blackmailed for an affair with the first lady and framed for treason for the assassination of the president. He uses all his wits to prove his innocence and find the real person responsible for the plot. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 11/08/2019

A political thriller so dull I honestly forgot I saw this movie a week ago. Michael Douglas is a strong screen presence as always. Kiefer Sutherland is a slightly more complicated character than you'd expect for a movie like this. Female characters are a complete afterthought. Kim Basinger playing the First Lady? Sounds sexy but they do nothing with it. Eva Longoria as a Secret Service agent? Sounds exciting huh? Not really.

Rating of

The Movie Man - wrote on 05/23/2009

The Sentinel is an entertaining movie at first, then slowly falls a part. It's well made with good direction, good writing and good acting, the problem is that it's not suspenseful, not intense, and just to predictable. Michael Douglas and (the very underrated)Kiefer Sutherland are both good. Eva Longoria is okay, considering she's not in the film much. Kim Basinger however, is a huge disappointment, she's given nothing to do and is wasted. not to mention, the ending is a letdown. It's well paced, smart and cleaver, but when it's over, you'll want more.

Rating of

kustaa - wrote on 04/03/2008

The lack of realism in political thrillers makes me feel very angry. The Sentinel it's just another stupid action flick about threats to the american president and a -much less charismatic- "fugitive" that tries to save him. David Rasche will always be HAMMER. Nothing more, nothing less.

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"The Sentinel" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/02/2012

When a conspiracy to assassinate the president is uncovered and seems to implicate veteran agent Michael Douglas, he is forced to discover the true culprit while on the run from his former colleagues. Yet another in a long line of generic Hollywood conspiracy thrillers, The Sentinel basically plays out like Jack Bauer and son tracking down "terrorists" whose reasons for murdering the president clearly aren't worth explaining. I'm not the biggest fan of Douglas but he is experienced enough to be able to do this kind of thing whilst standing on his head and Sutherland is doing what he does best; in fact, for the second half when Kiefer is let off the leash to get 24 on his ass, it's actually pretty entertaining. Being a Hollywood thriller, it is also blatantly obvious who the traitor is …

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