Dazed and Confused Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Ranking Richard Linklater Movies

List created by Logan D. McCoy

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Boyhood 4/4
2. Before Midnight 4/4
3. The School of Rock 4/4
4. Waking Life 4/4
5. Dazed and Confused 3.5/4

Top Movie List

List created by Ryan Stephen M

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Titanic 4/4
2. Dazed and Confused 4/4
3. Schindler's List 4/4
4. Ghostbusters 4/4
5. Say Anything... 4/4

Movies of 1993

List created by Stoney McStonerson

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Groundhog Day 3/4
2. Schindler's List 4/4
3. The Fugitive 4/4
4. Jurassic Park 3.5/4
5. The Nightmare Before Christmas 3/4

Must Watch: Comedy

List created by Daniela Moraes

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Smokey and the Bandit N/A
2. Get Smart N/A
3. Sherlock Jr. N/A
4. Superbad N/A
5. The Muppet Movie N/A

Finished Movies

List created by Hypnagogia

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Ted 3.5/4
2. Ted 2 3.5/4
3. The Revenant 3.5/4
4. The Mummy 3.5/4
5. The Mummy Returns 3/4

Best films of 1993

List created by Daniel

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Schindler's List 4/4
2. Naked 3.5/4
3. Groundhog Day 3.5/4
4. Jurassic Park 3.5/4
5. Three Colors: Blue ( Trois couleurs: Bleu ) 3.5/4

Movies of 1993

List created by skater4159

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Schindler's List 3/4
2. Jurassic Park 3/4
3. The Nightmare Before Christmas 3/4
4. Tombstone 3/4
5. The Fugitive 3/4

Movies I Want To See

List created by Carol without an e

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Attic N/A
2. Into the West N/A
3. Brave N/A
4. Ways to Live Forever N/A
5. Bernie N/A

Top Comedy List

List created by Hypnagogia

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Ted 3.5/4
2. Ted 2 3.5/4
3. Uncut Gems 3.5/4
4. Groundhog Day 4/4
5. Dazed and Confused 4/4
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