Stoker Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Watched in 2016

List created by tonks76

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Sicario 3/4
2. The Big Short 3.5/4
3. The Five-Year Engagement 1.5/4
4. What We Did on Our Holiday 3/4
5. Arthur Newman 2/4

Favorite Films of 2013

List created by illuminaria

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Prisoners 4/4
2. Past, The ( passé, Le ) 4/4
3. Inside Llewyn Davis 4/4
4. 12 Years a Slave 4/4
5. Simon Killer 3.5/4

My Wish List

List created by Kim

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Blow N/A
2. Fight Club N/A
3. Goodfellas N/A
4. The Usual Suspects N/A
5. Memento N/A

Movies I Own List

List created by Arun

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Lockout N/A
2. Mama 2.5/4
3. The Big Lebowski N/A
4. Thesis ( Tesis ) N/A
5. The Raven 2/4

Movies from 2013 I've seen

List created by Corndog

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Spring Breakers 3/4
2. The Conjuring 3/4
3. Sinister 2/4
4. The Wolverine 3/4
5. Gravity 3.5/4

Top Movie List

List created by Robyn

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 4/4
2. West Side Story 4/4
3. Die Hard 2.5/4
4. The Dark Knight 2.5/4
5. The Bourne Identity 3/4


List created by Randall

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Inside Llewyn Davis 4/4
2. Her 4/4
3. The Wolf of Wall Street 4/4
4. 12 Years a Slave 4/4
5. All is Lost 4/4

Ranked: Films of 2013

List created by Unknown

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Place Beyond the Pines 4/4
2. The Way Way Back 4/4
3. 12 Years a Slave 4/4
4. Her 4/4
5. Gravity 4/4
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