Rocky Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top 8 Sly Stallone

List created by Stoney McStonerson

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Rocky 4/4
2. Cop Land 3/4
3. Nighthawks 3/4
4. Rambo: First Blood 3/4
5. Rocky III 3/4

Favorite Movies

List created by Matthew Brady

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Mary and Max 4/4
2. Synecdoche, New York 4/4
3. Jaws 4/4
4. Halloween 4/4
5. The Shining 4/4

Top 8 Sports Movies

List created by Stoney McStonerson

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Rocky 4/4
2. The Natural 4/4
3. Field of Dreams 4/4
4. The Hustler 4/4
5. Million Dollar Baby 4/4

Best films of 1976

List created by Daniel

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Taxi Driver 4/4
2. Tenant, The ( locataire, Le ) 3.5/4
3. Carrie 3/4
4. Network 3/4
5. All the President's Men 3/4

Top Movie List

List created by philS

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Inception 4/4
2. Catch Me if You Can 4/4
3. The Departed 4/4
4. Se7en 4/4
5. Shutter Island 4/4

Top 8 Boxing movies

List created by Stoney McStonerson

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Raging Bull 4/4
2. Rocky 4/4
3. Million Dollar Baby 4/4
4. The Quiet Man 4/4
5. Here Comes Mr. Jordan 3.5/4
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