Shakes the Clown Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 24351

Average Rating: 1.9/4

# of Ratings: 19

Theatrical Release Date: 03/01/1992

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Bob Goldthwait

Actors: Bob Goldthwait, Julie Brown, Bruce Baum, Paul Kozlowski, Kathy Griffin, Robin Williams

Plot: A depressed, alcoholic clown slogs though his life until he is framed for murder and decides to find the real culprit by going rogue as a hated mime. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/17/2011

It doesnt seem as funny as it was when I was little & watched it on Cable TV

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 04/15/2011

There are a few small moments where I could see glimpses of the film in which I thought I was going to see, but it was still a letdown.

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