Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The ( Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1716

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 38

Theatrical Release Date: 11/15/1974

Language: German

Genre: Drama, Crime

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Werner Herzog

Actors: Walter Ladengast, Bruno S., Brigitte Mira, Michael Kroecher, Gloria Doer, Willy Semmelrogge

Plot: Based on the true story of Kaspar Hauser, a man who appeared in 1828 in Nuremberg - with scant ability to speak or walk - with a note attached claiming he had spent his life in a dungeon of a sort and was recently released for unknown reasons. A benefactor attempts to reintegrate him into society with startling results. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 11/19/2011

A strange and slow-moving Herzog film that is almost ethereal in its examination of an odd young man. The uniqueness of its hero makes this far from a traditional detective story. I wish that Herzog had paced the film more succinctly, but the fully-realized character of Kaspar keeps the audience relatively engaged.

Rating of

kustaa - wrote on 08/28/2007

Kaspar is a man that for some time was prisioner, and is released to the world as almost an animal, not knowing eat, barely speak... or interact socially. Very similiar to Elephant man, this movie is a fantastic story about alieanation and anti-racism. Amazing performances.

Full Movie Reviews

Franz Patrick
Franz Patrick
Movie God

Rating of

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

Franz Patrick - wrote on 01/02/2008

I didn't like this movie at all. I know this was supposed to be based on a true story but the execution could've been so much more interesting because it relates to Psychology and Biology. If this had been a documentary, it could've been better because the audiences could have gotten experts' opinions on the matter. Instead, the audiences get an extremely slow and unfocused film about a man that was raised in a shack, almost uninfluenced by the rest of society. The tiresome factor matches watching paint dry. This film being released in the 70's isn't an excuse either because there were a lot of great films that came from that era. The running time is also a con because it's almost two hours long. It was agonizing watching this movie. Avoid it if you can.

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