Mighty Joe Young Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 17218

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 29

Theatrical Release Date: 09/29/1949

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Ernest B. Schoedsack

Actors: Terry Moore, Ben Johnson, Robert Armstrong

Plot: Joe, a gorilla, has been raised by Jill since he was a baby. Now, twelve years later, she gets an offer from Max O'Hara to exploit him to no end. In Hollywood, and in captivity, Joe gets frustrated and runs wild in Hollywood. -- Gabe

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Gabe - wrote on 09/11/2007

Made by the same people who brought you King Kong (the original). It's another movie about a giant ape. When watching it you can tell that some advances were made technically, but the acting is average at best.

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