Born to Kill Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 13247

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 8

Theatrical Release Date: 05/03/1947

Language: English

Genre: Crime, Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Robert Wise

Actors: Claire Trevor, Lawrence Tierney, Walter Slezak, Phillip Terry, Audrey Long, Elisha Cook Jr.

Plot: A man who has a compulsion to kill people he can't control ends up killing a woman he wanted, but couldn't have, and the man she was sweet on. -- sapien

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

sapien - wrote on 03/29/2013

There were some good parts to this movie, which were basically everything that Walter Slezak and the cool elderly lady were involved in. However, I didn't like the fact that the train employee (I believe they're called porters) was black. It was kinda racist.

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