Cromwell Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9994

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 14

Theatrical Release Date: 10/26/1970

Language: English

Genre: Biography, Drama

MPAA Rating: G

Director: Ken Hughes

Actors: Richard Harris, Alec Guinness, Timothy Dalton, Robert Morley, Dorothy Tutin, Frank Finlay

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 03/14/2018

Overly long if lavishly produced biographical epic about the controversial military leader Oliver Cromwell, who assumed command of Parliamentary forces during the English Civil War. The costume design looks great; they actually won an Oscar for it in 1970. Its attention to detail proves its undoing as an exciting war film as it is more focused on 17th century politics than battle scenes. Richard Harris is good as Cromwell, though he's abit less complicated than the real life figure whose less admirable qualities included rabid anti-Catholicism and dictatorial ambitions.

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"Cromwell" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 03/23/2012

Crowmell tells the story of the man who was the driving force behind the English civil war and the father of English democracy. Oliver Cromwell is played with great intensity by Richard Harris as an honourable and incorruptible man who stuck by his principles despite the burden of his conscience; the fact that he was also a bigoted religious zealot, bullying imperialist and war criminal are all conveniently glossed over. But it would be in a film called "Cromwell", wouldn't it. Alec Guiness juggles the arrogance and inflexibility of Charles I and his refusal to relinquish absolute power even though his life depended upon it, with his more human side as a loving father. It also has some (for the time at least) epic battle sequences but it is very stagey, and may not quicken the pulses of …

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