Death in Venice ( Morte a Venezia ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 17277

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 19

Theatrical Release Date: 06/17/1971

Language: Italian

Genre: Drama, Fantasy

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Luchino Visconti

Actors: Dirk Bogarde, Romolo Valli, Mark Burns, Marisa Berenson, Carole André, Nora Ricci

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 03/01/2013

Death in Venice is slow-moving, but fully captures the ethereal nature of the book. The beautiful cinematography often captures frames that could be frozen as a painting and visually captures a lot of the film's best themes of beauty and mortality. The decaying city of Venice, set upon by a plague of cholera, makes for a powerful setting for the film's waning moments, which are its best.

Rating of

Rakkie - wrote on 01/17/2008

honestly i dont want to talk about this movie because its all ridiculous. visconti's directing and dirk bogarde's acting is full of shit !!! there is no any destination in thi movie so what the hell they trying to do? couple of times me and my friend wacthed this movie and made jokes for all scenes. maybe the only good thing about this movie, when you watchin you can have fun with your friends and laugh so hard but if you can stand :)

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