The Gorgon Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16378

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 11

Theatrical Release Date: 02/17/1965

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/14/2008

Language: English

Genre: Fantasy, Horror

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Terence Fisher

Actors: Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Richard Pasco, Michael Goodliffe, Barbara Shelley, Patrick Troughton

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 10/15/2021

This has all the pieces for a solid horror movie. You have Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing reunited. Like a lot of Hammer movies from the sixties, it looks good. But it's just kind of boring.

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 05/21/2012

Anyone with an affection for Hammer horror cannot fail to enjoy this; it has the angry torch wielding mob, busty country lasses with bouffants biting the dust left right and centre, gravedigging by moonlight, escaped mental patients, hilarious pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo and a rural village stalked by a monster from local legend. I personally can take them or leave them, but it's worth watching for Christopher Lee who attacks his role as a Holmes-ian professor with charismatic bluster. And quite possibly the least convincing severed head you're ever likely to see!

Full Movie Reviews


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Don't be afraid to watch; you won't turn to stone!

kcvidkid - wrote on 04/15/2008

During the last three months, I've been obesessed with Hammer Films, collecting and reading as much as I can about them, as well as the British horror movie in general. However, I've not actually watched any of them. When I bought a "bootleg" copy of "The Gorgon" on eBay, I was for some reason eager to watch it right away.

Having read that it was a critical failure and a disappointment even to Hammer fans, I was not expecting much from it. But I was pleasantly surprised. It had all the characteristics I remembered from Hammer: eerie atmosphere, unsettling music, above average acting, a few scares and (of course) Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee.

In general, it's not all that original, following the same formula as any of Hammer's Frankenstein or Dracula movies (from what I can …

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