Life with Father Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2848

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 18

Theatrical Release Date: 08/14/1947

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Michael Curtiz

Actors: William Powell, Irene Dunne, Elizabeth Taylor, Edmund Gwenn, Zasu Pitts, Jimmy Lydon

Plot: A man runs his family - consisting of his wife and four sons - with the meticulous nature of a bookkeeper. Yet behind the scenes, his wife really holds the reigns - and he has to deal with fact his sons are growing up. But when it comes to light he has never been baptized, it has everyone up in arms. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Ingrid Bergman - wrote on 09/02/2014

An intelligent and observant screenplay, a fine cast led by William Powell as the patriach and sensitive direction by Michael Curtiz result in a very entertaining comedy.

Rating of

Zeborah - wrote on 04/14/2012

A cute bit of fluff apart from how it's about how women are both hopelessly scatterbrained and incorrigibly manipulative of their husbands, whichever of the two will best aid them in the purchase of today's frippery. The sound on my copy was terrible - often I couldn't decode what was being said at all.

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