Mr. Skeffington Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5741

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 17

Theatrical Release Date: 05/25/1944

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Romance

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Vincent Sherman

Actors: Bette Davis, Claude Rains, Walter Abel, George Coulouris, Richard Waring, Marjorie Riordan

Plot: Fanny marries Mr. Skeffington to repay her brother's debt and save the family name, but will she ever truly find love? -- Istra

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 04/28/2018

Bette Davis and Claude Rains play Fanny and Job Skeffington a most unlikely couple in this romantic drama, namely because they marry in the film more out of ulterior reasons than genuine affection. Fanny the shallow socialite while Job is the patient spouse and neither is fooling themselves about the state of their loveless though convenient marriage. Spanning from genteel 1914 to the grim Second World War, external forces and personal struggles merge to further draw them together. Bette Davis excelled at playing unlikable leading ladies and Fanny is nothing short of vapid and selfish a lot of the time. Claude Rains is respectful and classy as always.

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