Night of the Lepus Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 38081

Average Rating: 1.6/4

# of Ratings: 12

Theatrical Release Date: 10/04/1972

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: William F. Claxton

Actors: Stuart Whitman, Janet Leigh, Rory Calhoun, DeForest Kelley, Paul Fix, Melanie Fullerton

Plot: In an effort to control the rabbit problem on his ranch, Cole Hillman turns to a college he supports. A zoologist is brought in for a humane treatment of the threat, but his injections meant to stop rabbit procreation instead lead to giant, mutant rabbits who proceed to run amok. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 10/13/2020

There's nothing except perhaps some campy 'so bad it's good' entertainment value. Giant rabbits are no scarier than ordinary rabbits. It's shocking there's so many actors in this like Janet Leigh or Stuart Whitman or Rory Calhoun.

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 01/09/2012

For some reason I couldnt completely get into it.It was an OK movie.At times interesting & at times boring.I guess I couldnt get into it because I just cant imagine little bunny rabbits or bunny rabbits the size of dogs gone around ripping people to shreds.It's a really bad movie & I think either you'll get up & turn it off or you'll laugh all the way through

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 11/23/2008

Nothing says horror like giant... bunny rabbits? Of all the things that movies have made giant (Ants, Spiders, Women), giant rabbits may be the least terrifying. This might be a good MST3K entry, but as an actual film, not so much.

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