The Wasp Woman Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 38085

Average Rating: 1.6/4

# of Ratings: 11

Theatrical Release Date: 10/30/1959

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Roger Corman

Actors: Susan Cabot, Anthony Eisley, Barboura Morris, William Roerick, Michael Mark, Frank Gerstle

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Corman flick mixes big bugs & battle of the sexes

Indyfreak - wrote on 10/04/2022

B-movie parable about the dangers of meddling with nature, in this case for the sake of rejuvenation.
The gist is that an aging cosmetics mogul (Cabot) enlists a quirky scientist to develop a de-aging product from the enzymes of wasps. It works with some unforeseen side effects. For a schlocky horror movie from the fifties, there is a surprising amount of nuance in setting up the plot. The major characters are not malicious people, just more misguided.
The lead actress Susan Cabot reportedly suffered from mental illness throughout her career and it adds a bit of a tragic element to her performance. It's too bad about the makeup and special effects being so terrible. The script is not half bad and could had been something more memorable if it were more polished.

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