Ali Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6561

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 106

Theatrical Release Date: 12/25/2001

Language: English

Genre: Biography, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Michael Mann

Actors: Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Jon Voight, Mario Van Peebles, Ron Silver, Jeffrey Wright

Plot: The life and times of Muhammad Ali. -- sapien

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019

"Ali" is well acted, but is seriously lacking in memorability.

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 05/12/2019

Michael Mann's biographical sports drama about Muhammad Ali cannot be faulted for lack of ambition. But I will fault it for being meandering and slow paced. Will Smith is very good as the famed boxer though. Mann's attention to detail remains impressive but his insistence of covering every moment in Ali's life makes it very very slow. Jon Voight provides brief interruptions of frivolity and humor playing Howard Cosell.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 05/08/2014

The life and times of Muhammad Ali whole life. Will smith gives a great job playing Muhammad Ali in the movie but i got to say that Muhammad at the first came off as a ass-hole and really unlikable, but as the movie went on his character didn't came of as a jerk.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Flach - wrote on 06/05/2016

Ali von Michael Mann ist ein viel zu langer, flacher und unerwartet leiser Film über Muhammad Ali. Mehr im Ton einer Elegie als dem eines euphorischen Boxerfilms. Spass macht das keinen, was vor allem an der Überlänge einiger Szenen liegt. Merkwürdigerweise hechelt Michael Mann dann wiederum durch andere Sequenzen, die mehr Tiefe bedürften. Alles in allem wirkt es wie ein unfertiger Film, der eigentlich noch einmal in den Schneideraum sollte. Nehmen wir mal die Szene, in der Ali nach Zaire fliegt für den "The Rumble in the Jungle". Eine Trainingsszene, die morgens beginnt und im Grunde stellvertretend für einen ganz normalen Tag im Leben des Boxers steht. Das geht dann so: Ali rennt und rennt und rennt. Und dann rennt er wieder. Zehn Jahre, die Zeit zwischen 1964 und 1974, erleben …

Movie God

Rating of

"Ali" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/28/2012

This biopic concentrates on the period between Muhammad Ali gaining the heavyweight championship of the world as Cassius Clay, through to when regained it at the "Rumble In The Jungle" ten years later. Will Smith (minus the face fuzz) was the obvious and perfect casting choice for a charming, charismatic motor-mouth and he is completely believable as the legendary fighter, but he is also surrounded by a supporting cast who are all knockout themselves; particularly an unrecognisable Jon Voigt as the sportscaster and long time friend Howard Cosell, Jamie Foxx as his junkie sidekick and even Mario Van Peebles proves he can actually act given the right material as Malcolm X. I would have liked to have seen more of the political climate during these years of the civil rights movement but …


Rating of

Ali himself was more of a knockout

Freddie - wrote on 01/21/2009

I remember when this movie came out there was all this hype. Will Smith was supposed to win an Oscar, Golden Globe, Emmy, Tony, Teen Choice, Grammy, and everything else out there. To be quite honest, I saw this movie when it came about but completely forgot its exitence until I recently saw preview for it on HBO. This was definitely one of Smith's most forgettable movies. Not to say that he did a bad job; however, I think the movie itself lacked a lot of excitement and intensity. Muhammed Ali was the greatest boxer of his time. He was so outspoken and charged with energy. He had the whole butterfly and bee thing going on. There was no one else like him. So it's only natural that there should be a movie about him, right? Wrong. I think Hollywood made a mistake with this one. Watching …

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