Oasis of the Zombies ( tumba de los muertos vivientes, La ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 42455

Average Rating: 1.7/4

# of Ratings: 3

Theatrical Release Date: 04/21/1982

Language: French

Genre: Horror, War

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Jesus Franco

Actors: Manuel Gélin, France Lomay, Jeff Montgomery, Myriam Landson, Eric Viellard, Caroline Audret

Plot: During WWII a contingent of Nazi soldiers are tasked with escorting a fortune in gold across the African desert. A fight breaks out, and only a lone allied soldier survives. Years later, he tells his story, but is betrayed by the son of one of the German soldiers. He goes about finding the fortune himself, but encounters something unexpected and deadly. -- Chris Kavan

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