Brainscan Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16118

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 13

Theatrical Release Date: 04/22/1994

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: John Flynn

Actors: Edward Furlong, Frank Langella, T. Ryder Smith, Amy Hargreaves, Jamie Marsh, Victor Ertmanis

Plot: A teenage loner with a love of horror films finds himself in possession of an interactive video game that provides the most terrifying experience for the player using hypnosis. But after waking from the brutal horror of the game, he realizes the murders he committed may have real-life consequences. -- Chris Kavan

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Old idea presented in a different way

TheWolf - wrote on 10/15/2007

Its kind of obvious that the majority of the money for this movie went to getting Edward Furlong as the lead. This movie wasn't that long after his success in the T2 and therefore he was still considered to be a "wanted actor". I kind of liked it only because of the nature of the film.
There have always been stories about kids getting pulled into video games ever since the first arcade was opened. So the idea behind the movie wasn't truely unique but the way it was presented was decent. The effects were average, but for some reason I still found a reason to watch this one all the way through to the end.
I guess it can be looked at as one of those campy B rated suspense movies that never quite made it, but obviously was not the best step for Furlong to take after T2. If you like …

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