Candyman: Farewell to Flesh Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 33632

Average Rating: 1.7/4

# of Ratings: 18

Theatrical Release Date: 03/17/1995

Language: English

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Bill Condon

Actors: Tony Todd, Kelly Rowan, William O'Leary, Bill Nunn, Timothy Carhart, Veronica Cartwright

Plot: The Candyman moves on to New Orleans and starts his horrific murders once more.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/14/2012

A pretty steep step down from the original. Tony Todd is still the man, but they make the story way more convoluted than it has to be - mythology is good, but they try way too hard with this entry and it just messes up the horror.

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/28/2011

Good but NOT as good as the 1st

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