Arn: The Knight Templar ( Arn - Tempelriddaren ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5413

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 18

Theatrical Release Date: 04/01/2009

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/12/2010

Language: Swedish

Genre: Action, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Peter Flinth

Actors: Joakim Nätterqvist, Sofia Helin, Stellan Skarsgård, Michael Nyqvist, Simon Callow, Vincent Perez

Plot: Coming from nobility Arn is raised as a monastic warrior but forbidden love sends him and the woman he was with to 20 years in separate monasteries. But Arn is given a higher calling - to become a Templar and help the holy order stop Saladin and his army from taking Jerusalem. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/23/2013

I can't comment on the historical veracity of the film - but, as other reviewers have commented, it does share quite a bit in common with Braveheart - action, forbidden romance, drama - all mixed into one. Although bloodshed is kept somewhat to a minimum, it has a good story and compelling characters. If you like this historic-esque action/dramas, it is recommended.

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Movie God

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"Arn: The Knight Templar" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 09/11/2012

A disgraced monk who is uncannily skilled in the art of war becomes a Knight Templar defending Jerusalem from the advancing army of Saladin. This Scandinavian co-production is a historical swashbuckler very much in the vein of the likes of Braveheart, combining romance and adventure in a medieval setting. It contains the kind of lavish battle sequences you'd expect, the desert engagement with Saladin a particular highlight, but I found the action scenes a little brief especially considering the huge swathes of back story and gooey-eyed romance you have to wade through to get there. Of course, the fact that my plumbing is on the outside rather than in means I'd have preferred less kissing and more stabbing but Arn is nicely shot, well performed and written and technically is very …

Dark Vengeance 9
Dark Vengeance 9

Rating of

Kind of A Swedish Braveheart

Dark Vengeance 9 - wrote on 08/26/2011

Arn The Knight Templar is about a fictional knight based off of Jan Guillou's book trilogy. The film is about a young monk who ends up excommunicated and serves as a Knight Templar in the Third Crusade. Although, I must warn you that there's not really much content on the battles or the war as I expected; it's mostly his relationship with his wife. This movie reminds me a lot of Braveheart; a medieval hero who uses faith and hope to bring peace but ends up costing him. Unlike Braveheart, this movie is more of a drama instead of an action film. The two most noteworthy elements of the film is its use of languages (Legitimate: Latin, English, Swedish, and Arabic) and its unique perspective on religion. It is strongly based around a belief in God but has a very skeptical view on clergy. This …

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