Stake Land Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7826

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 40

Theatrical Release Date: 04/22/2011

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 08/02/2011

Language: English

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Jim Mickle

Actors: Danielle Harris, Kelly McGillis, Connor Paolo, Michael Cerveris, Bonnie Dennison, Adam Scarimbolo

Plot: In a dark future, vampire-like creatures are making their way north across America, devouring everything in their path. A hunter and an orphan are trying to make it to New Eden, a monster-free zone, while battling the creatures - and cults - that stand in their way. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 12/19/2012

Such a bleak post-apocalyptic horror film. Granted, when you say "post-apocalyptic" usually it's not all sunshine and rainbows but Stake Land is pretty darn depressing. Still, it takes a different take on the whole vampire/zombie thing - and a it's a good twist on a tired genre. Worth checking out.

Rating of

RITT - wrote on 12/15/2011

from the worn out vampire genre comes a totally different type of movie. a really slow movie at that. not for all lovers of horror. it`s almost as if the director intentionally made it so. this movie is more about the man (mister as he`s called), and the boy he rescues then teaches to be a vamp killer. it takes them along a journey among friendly and not so friendly humans with a few vampires thrown in for good measure. my two star rating is kind as i was a little disappointed throughout.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/17/2011

More realistic and engaging post-apocalyptic type of story. It's quite awesome to see how much bigger this film looks, considering how small of budget it had. A surprisingly good film.

Full Movie Reviews

Harley Lond
Harley Lond
Rising Star

Rating of

Stake Land

Harley Lond - wrote on 02/20/2012

An epidemic of vampirism has turned the United States into a post-apocalyptic wasteland of empty cities, with human survivors clustering in small rural communities and fighting off the bloodsuckers when night falls. A lone survivalist, known only as Mister, teams up with a young boy, a disillusioned nun and a pregnant young woman on a trek north to Canada, searching for the rumored safe haven of New Eden. Along the way they also have to contend with brutal religious fundamentalists, who are more of a danger than the vampires, who they see as messengers of the Lord. This is a vampire film with a heart and a soul: Despite its straight-ahead vampire killing action, there's plenty of time for characterization and the development of subthemes; director Jim Mickle and writer Nick Damici work …

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