Like Someone in Love Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9893

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 6

Theatrical Release Date: 02/15/2013

Language: Japanese

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Abbas Kiarostami

Actors: Ryo Kase, Rin Takanashi, Denden, Tadashi Okuno

Plot: A drama that explores the relationship between an older man and young woman in Tokyo. -- Chris Kavan

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

A movie about... um...

memento_mori - wrote on 11/16/2013

Prepare for the longest one hour and forty-five minute movie of your life.

It is incredible how well this movie manages to pull off a slow pace.
It is so grounded and long that it begins to feel real at some point. Like we are peering into the lives of troubled human beings, who are so well displayed through the efforts of writer-director Abbas Kiarostami. I've never seen a movie of his, and I can see why his name is not exactly surfaced in the world of pop culture.

I think this is one of those films you either like or don't like, because of how it treats its characters and the atmosphere it sets. If you really think about it, the main theme in this film is suffering of the working class, the display of the diligent Japanese culture. Maybe I'm talking too much into it, but in a …

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