Into the Storm Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9124

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 38

Theatrical Release Date: 08/08/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 11/18/2014

Language: English

Genre: Thriller

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Steven Quale

Actors: Richard Armitage, Jeremy Sumpter, Sarah Wayne Callies, Nathan Kress, Matt Walsh, Kyle Davis

Plot: When a deadly storm hits, a group of high school students document the events leading up to it and the terrible aftermath of the tornado is spawns. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

SIngli6 - wrote on 12/18/2019

Some impressively destructive tableaus do not compensate for a very low-energy script delivered by a very low-energy cast. The found-footage conceit could have given the film a bit more character if it wasn't constantly undermined by the increasingly clumsy attempts of the writers to get their diegetic cameras in places they would never go in real-life.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/18/2014

This movie is like Sharknado but if you take out the sharks. Okay let me name of the few good things in this movie: The visual effect's was well done and the acting wasn't that bad as I thought it will be. But there is a lot of bad things in this movie like the characters are mostly idiots or just ass-holes. The story is... oh wait, there is no story; just some idiots chasing wind and getting themselves killed. This is not the worst movie of the year but it seriously not good. with bad directing and it's a summer movie that nobody is going to remember. Overall Into the Storm as I said it's not a good movie, but not a terrible movie.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

A feeble attempt to compete with "Twister".

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 02/11/2015

"Look at the size of that thing!
We're gonna be YouTube stars
for the rest of our lives!
Better than sex, Donk!
How would you know?”

Tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons. Divorced men sometimes even compare them with their ex-wife: they appear suddenly, they disappear suddenly and before you know it you lost everything and are left behind penniless. So these are phenomena you don't want to encounter too much. Apparently it's the fault of a global warming (which must be in other corners in the world because where I live it's still cold, chilly and mostly wet) that causes tornadoes to appear so often and primarily plague the US mainland. Here in Europe fortunately we have less problems with it. Eating soup with kidney beans will cause more commotion and turbulence than these …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

The Visuals are an F5, the Rest is an F1 Letdown

Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/14/2014

Into the Storm is like Twister on steroids - it's a lot bigger, but also a lot dumber. If it's weather-related action you crave - this has it all - tornadoes galore - taking out schools, houses, car dealerships - even an airport. You get multiple vortexes, a huge miles-long beast and even a fire-nado - and if that's what you want, you're in for a treat. However, beyond the action there isn't a lot of meat left on the bone - cliched character and situations, along with a meager at-best plot mean it's not going to win any awards - but when it delivers a rush - it delivers it big time.

Into the Storm is presented in an almost found-footage kind of way. The movie centers around the mid-sized town of Silverton - a group of storm chasers, Team Titus - is having a bad year, and funding is …

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