Mountains of the Moon ( Chander Pahar ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 41566

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 2

Theatrical Release Date: 01/10/2014

Language: English

Genre: Adventure

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Kamaleswar Mukherjee

Actors: Dev, Martin Cito Otto, Nabeel Khan, Paul Ditchfield, David James, Peter Moruakgomo

Plot: A young man wants nothing more than to escape the impoverished village he calls home - and the factory job that is his future. Styling himself and explorer and geographer, he gets the opportunity of a lifetime when he hitches a ride to the Dark Continent and an adventure the Mountains of the Moon where a fabled gold and diamond mine awaits - if he can survive the creatures and challenges that protect it. -- Chris Kavan

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