Stage Fright Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 28315

Average Rating: 1.9/4

# of Ratings: 9

Theatrical Release Date: 04/03/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 07/08/2014

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Musical

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Jerome Sable

Actors: Minnie Driver, Meat Loaf, Allie MacDonald, Douglas Smith, Kent Nolan, Brandon Uranowitz

Plot: A music theater camp for the upper class becomes a blood bath as it's terrorized by a killer who hates musicals. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/08/2014

It's hard to mesh two genres that really have no right to be together in the first place. Horror musical is one such mash-up that will rarely work. While Stage Fright wants to be tongue-in-cheek, it's not nearly campy enough to succeed on that level while the "horror" element is similarly weak and forgettable - much like the film itself. As a concept, it may seem interesting, but the final result is a mess.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 05/10/2014

Stage Fright fails to be a horror musical with horrible songs and dreadful acting. The movie is so stupid and a lot of people are going to say "The movie is so stupid but fun" well there got one thing right it's stupid and nothing else.

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Movie God

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May the Curtain Close for Good

Unknown - wrote on 07/14/2014

A weird musical/slasher/comedy hybrid that misses on all three counts. The main flaw is that the genres do not mesh. The first two thirds play like a cheeky homage to lighter musical fare. Average songs become the mundane routine amidst a by-the-numbers musical story that is all about aspiring young stage performers. Comic potential is wasted on this familiar setup that seemed ripe for parody. I guess certain lines were meant as jokes, but they come off so awkward. Maybe the over-the-top nature of some elements, while combining genres, is supposed to be seen as absurdist? I don't know. The horror angle comes into play late, mostly taking over the third act. We see a straight-up 80's slasher movie killer randomly killing performers on opening night of the show, in an uninspired …

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