Wolf Creek 2 Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 19142

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 7

Theatrical Release Date: 04/17/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/24/2014

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Thriller

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Greg Mclean

Actors: John Jarratt, Ryan Corr, Shannon Ashlyn, Philippe Klaus, Chloé Boreham, Shane Connor

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

smeagol - wrote on 04/22/2014

cant remember the first one much but i thought this one was alright. its pretty sick. but i liked the guy playing the psycho thought it was very well made.

Full Movie Reviews

Jacob Zembower
Jacob Zembower

Rating of

Wolf Creek 2, a disappointing follow up.

Jacob Zembower - wrote on 04/22/2014

The original Wolf Creek was, and is, one of the most bleak, downright horrific horror films of the 2000s. It took it's time to build up the three central characters, while also increasing the amount of tension with each scene. Finally, it plunged them and the audience into such an unforgiving nightmare, filled with dread, unflinching brutality, and a stark realism not usually scene in modern horror. If the original was the serious-minded adult of the franchise, Wolf Creek 2 is the confused, silly, and absurd little brother. Gone is everything that made the original so haunting and unforgettable. John Jarratt, reprising his role as the outback murderer Mick Taylor, seems to relish his character and plays it with a maniacal glee. Unfortunately, the creators have turned the once menacing …

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