Love Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 34031

Average Rating: 1.9/4

# of Ratings: 4

Theatrical Release Date: 10/30/2015

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Romance

MPAA Rating: NC-17

Director: Gaspar Noé

Actors: Aomi Muyock, Karl Glusman, Klara Kristin, Juan Saavedra, Gaspar Noé, Vincent Maraval

Plot: A story about a boy and a girl and another girl - a sexual melodrama about love - in graphic detail. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 03/11/2016

Murphy: "I'm a loser. Yeah, just a dick. And dick has no brain. A dick has only one purpose: to f**k. And I f**ked it all up. Yeah. I'm good at one thing: f**king things up". "Love" is directed by Gaspar Noé, who did "Enter The Void", (which I haven't seen yet), but I did get to watch this film that I didn't get a chance to watch last year and honestly, it wasn't a good start in terms of watching his movies. Why dose this movie even exist? I mean think about, it's non-stop sex scenes, the story is kind of there and after it's over you just kind leave and forget about it. I'm more curious of what Gaspar Noé was doing or thinking when making this movie. It's got to be more interesting then anything that happened in this movie.

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