Unidentified Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 46264

Average Rating: 1.8/4

# of Ratings: 2

Theatrical Release Date: 11/08/2013

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Horror

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Jason Richard Miller

Actors: Parry Shen, Colton Dunn, Eddie Mui, Eric Artell, Dana Davidson, Marlene Forte

Plot: Four friends go to Vegas on a gambling trip but end up on the run from a loan shark.On
the way back home, they end up lost in the desert being stalked by unseen forces.

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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 04/30/2016

Well the 1st half of this movie was alright.When the 4 friends were on their way to Vegas & in Vegas, this movie was OK & I was into it.The movie was fun.When they were on their way back from Vegas, the movie took a serious turn & things got weird.It was straight downhill from there & you could just feel it.It dragged on till the end.There really wasn't alot going on here.After watching it for awhile at 1st I thought I might end up liking it.It had my interest & things were going good but towards the end, it felt like the movie did a total switch.Things got serious, Unidentified was no longer fun & I lost interest fast.I don't know how I would've made this movie any better other than sticking to the way it started off in the beginning.I liked the 1st half road trip adventure the 4 …

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