Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8697

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 32

Theatrical Release Date: 03/30/1984

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Drama

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Hugh Hudson

Actors: Ralph Richardson, Ian Holm, James Fox, Christopher Lambert, Andie MacDowell, Cheryl Campbell

Plot: A realistic version of the story of Tarzan. A man who has been raised by apes is brought back and attempts to assimilate in to "civilized" society. -- phantom

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 06/24/2012

A more literary and intelligent treatment of the Tarzan story, the quality cast and well fleshed out characters make for a far more fulfilling film than the usual Dr. Dolittle/swinging/yodelling combo.

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Legend of Tarzan, Bore of the Apes

Indyfreak - wrote on 11/22/2017

A weird mixture of highbrow professionalism, pulpy silliness, and some pretty convincing ape effects and makeup. 'GREYSTOKE' aims to return the famed character Tarzan to his roots as a person out of place both in the African jungle and his home in England.
The cinematography is gorgeous and the supporting cast is surprisingly full of veteran British actors. There's Ralph Richardson, Ian Holm, James Fox, and even a cameo by Nigel Davenport. Christopher Lambert is monotone as Tarzan and Andie MacDowell was actually dubbed by Glenn Close post-production.
The movie looks good and has good actors in it. But the pacing is very slow. And it behaves more like a period drama than an action/adventure which I'm sure most people expected. So it ends up being boring when it's not weird. The …

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