My Life Without Me Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5654

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 23

Theatrical Release Date: 09/26/2003

Language: English

Genre: Romance, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Isabel Coixet

Actors: Sarah Polley, Amanda Plummer, Scott Speedman, Leonor Watling, Deborah Harry, Mark Ruffalo

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Tia Maria - wrote on 08/07/2008

Though I enjoyed this movie, it is sort of dulll. It is about a woman who has a husband and two daughters, who is diagnosed with a tumour and told she only has 3 months to live. So she writes a list of all the things to do before she dies. The thing I liked about this movie was that it did not necessarily have a happy ending. It had some real emotion, and great acting. As I said already, it is sort of dull, but that can be expected in a movie about someone's preparation of their death.

Rating of

Allison - wrote on 12/24/2007

One of the most excellent movies ever made and on my top favorites.

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