Oscar Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 12913

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 42

Theatrical Release Date: 04/26/1991

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Crime

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: John Landis

Actors: Peter Riegert, Chazz Palminteri, Sylvester Stallone, Don Ameche, Joey Travolta, Paul Greco

Plot: This is a comedy about a gangster, 'Snaps' Provolone, who makes a promise to his dying father that he is going to go straight. He spends the next day preparing to turn over a new leaf to become a banker, but from the moment he wakes up nothing goes as planned. Snaps learns things about himself and others that will make his turn from gangster to banker a lot harder than he thought. This movie is full of comedy and twists and turns that is sure to put a smile on your face.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 05/01/2022

This screwball comedy does have a rough start, but the humor lands more often as it goes along. Sylvester Stallone is an odd fit for this kind of comedy. But he does get some laughs. The cast includes people who are good at being funny like Tim Curry, Marisa Tomei, and Peter Riegert.

Rating of

sapien - wrote on 05/12/2013

I thought it was an ok movie. It was funny, and entertaining, in some parts. I love Stallone.

Rating of

Snake Sugarbaker - wrote on 12/11/2009

This is one John Landis movie that isn’t broadcast on Comedy Central regularly, and for no good reason. It’s no Coming to America, but scads better than Spies Like Us. Albeit predictable at times, there are enough (dare I say?) clever bits to merit a screening – it’s a farce, after all. Plus, Stallone does slapstick much better than cop-buddy. Harry Shearer (recognizable from This is Spinal Tap and A Mighty Wind; also the voice of Montgomery Burns, Ned Flanders, Dr. Hibbert…) plays an Italian seamster who measures Stallone’s inseam with expected results.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

Funny slap stick comedy!

MovieAddict - wrote on 12/25/2012

"Watch it, Connie. You have a dangling participle!"

Oscar is the story of mob boss Angelo "Snaps" Provolone attempting to lead the honest life after granting one last request to his dying father. But can he do it?

Snaps is not having a great day. Neither the rival gang nor the police believe that he's going straight, bankers want his money, his daughter wants to run away, his accountant reveals that he's been stealing from him because he's in love with his "daughter", the maid runs off to marry the man he had hoped to have for a son-in-law, and that's just for starters!

There are twists and turns that keep you hopping and Sly Stallone, Chazz Palminteri and Marisa Tomei (as Stallone's sexy femme fatale daughter Lisa) give great comedic performances and Tim Curry is hysterical as …


Rating of


Freddie - wrote on 10/22/2008

I don't care what anyone says this is one of my favorite movies EVER! I've been watching this movie since I was a little kid. This was my first Sylvester Stallone movie. While everyone knew him as Rocky, I knew him, and still know him, as Angelo "Snaps" Provolone! This role is definitely outside of what people are used to seeing Sylvester Stallone do, as well as Chazz Palminteri and maybe even Paul Riegert. The one-liners in this movie are absolutely classic. You can always hear me quoting Oscar at any given moment. This movie is so silly but it has everything...comedy, a touch of drama, minor suspense, plot-twists, everything! I will be quite honest and say that my review of Oscar is completely biased because its close to my heart. It's a fun movie, maybe not "Oscar" worthy, but if you …

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