Palmetto Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 28849

Average Rating: 1.9/4

# of Ratings: 18

Theatrical Release Date: 02/20/1998

Language: English

Genre: Crime, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Volker Schlöndorff

Actors: Woody Harrelson, Elisabeth Shue, Gina Gershon, Michael Rapaport, Chloë Sevigny, Tom Wright

Plot: Harry Barber has just spent two years in prison by being framed for not keeping quiet about a city hall scandal. Looking for revenge, he decides to play a part in fake kidnapping of a multimillionaire's stepdaughter. Little does he know he's being set up on multiple levels.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Bribaba - wrote on 05/15/2011

Based on a trashy novel by James Hadley Chase it’s therefore surprising to discover Volker Schlondorff directing; kind of like finding Seth Rogen in a Terence Malick film. Only the clothes and cars have been updated so the story and characters appear absurd, the risk you run when messing with film noir. More shock news: Woody Harrelson is no Robert Mitchum, nor is Elizabeth Shue the new Gloria Grahame. Body Heat did neo-noir right, this is pathetic.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/26/2007

This film fairly oozes sexuality at every turn. It's too bad the convoluted plot can't match that feeling. There are so many double-crosses, red herrings and false trails even after it's over you won't know what happened. It's hot though.

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