Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/04/2019
A classic and hilarious dark satire of the Cold War.
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Indyfreak - wrote on 03/03/2019
Sly dark comedy that spoofs the entirety of the Cold War and reveals its absurdity by playing it 100 percent straight.
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SteelCity99 - wrote on 04/22/2018
Satirical madness, Kubrick style. The Cold War never faced such a... funny side. Incredibly hilarious from start to finish, this flawless work of celluloid may put off those seeking either battlefield scenes or sexual humor. Well, it has sexual humor (just check out that extraordinary cast of legendary comedians), but only a master of cinema knows how to balance so many random elements and genres, and mold them together into one magnum opus. 99/100
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/05/2014
A cold war spoof, based off a mad general who wants to destroy the U.S.S.R. The President and his advisors meet in hopes of averting a nuclear war. Peter Sellers who went to the pink panther idiot to a guy in a wheel chair that looks like he take drugs. This movie has it's Iconic and funny sense.
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 02/07/2013
Although it is certainly self-indulgent and wandering at times, Dr. Strangelove still reigns as one of the most biting and consistently odd examples of satire in film. The chameleon-like performances by Peter Sellers are all, in their own way, genius comic creations, and the film doesn't shy away from a harsh criticism of Cold War politics, though it gives this criticism amid absurdity.
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FSUNoles27TS - wrote on 12/06/2012
This movie was absolutely one of the coolest movies I have ever seen. It was just such a wild watch. To think that this movie did come out during the most trying of times makes it all the better and adds to the nostalgia. Dr. Strangelove is one of the most fun characters portrayed in the film. I almost died laughing as he fought to hold back his salute. The entire movie is such a parody on international relations. It is a MUST watch for all. The Ending of the movie left me clueless, I have to say, I would love for some people to discuss the ending and what they found the meaning to be.
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hellboy76 - wrote on 03/05/2012
Another Kubrick classic but a break from his usual fare. A little scary how much more close this is to non-fiction than most people realize.
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Daniel Corleone - wrote on 12/19/2011
Not of the best films from the legendary directors in terms of effects and plot. The characters have endless conversations, act funny, constant malfunction of a plane while a Major (T. J. "King" Kong) rides a bomb. From beginning to end, not much was either engaging or funny. One has to respect the talents of Sellers and political message, which felt like a documentary at times. This reviewer felt this could have been if there were better humorous scenes, which is probably not one of the many strong suites of the director.
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SIngli6 - wrote on 09/03/2011
"Like all good comedies, (the) basic theme is serious" - David Stratton This aphorism is no better exemplified than in Stanley Kubrick's madcap satire 'Dr. Strangelove'. Indeed, I cannot imagine a more sombre theme than nuclear holocaust. It seems to be shorn of any convivial aspect, presuming it had any buoyant elements in the first place. With absurd characters delivering doubly absurd lines (my favourite being "you can't fight in here, this is the war room") and very controlled and studied B&W photography showing scenes of gelastic insanity, Kubrick creates the cinematic equivalent of Jonathan Swift's satirical essay 'A Modest Proposal'; and much like with 'A Modest Proposal', once you start laughing you simply: Do. Not. Stop.